"I'm here to help you give voice to your instincts as a parent.
This optimizes your bond with your baby and helps to create the life you want for you and your family."
A 90 minute In-home Consultation provides you with the opportunity to ask questions and share your concerns about this new parenting experience. Diminish anxieties and gain confidence in your instincts as a parent.
In-home Parenting Sessions are scheduled at regular intervals, e.g. one time per week, twice a month or any number of variations, depending on your particular scheduling and education needs.
90 Minute In-Home Consultation
Scheduled before or after your baby arrives
Sharing about:
Your pregnancy experience
Your couple/family experience
Consultation about:
Concerns and questions that you are currently having about parenting
Questions about caring for your baby, your baby's growth and development
Strategies to adapt to changes that baby brings, enhance their development and promote personal and family well-being.
In-Home Sessions
Available in 5 or 9 week blocks
One 90 minute in-home consultation
Either four or eight 75 minute in-home visits, with:
- Education on general early infant development
Observations and discussions about the specific development of your baby (including babies with special needs, and twins/triplets development)
Melanie develops with you a parenting plan, based on these observations and discussions that optimizes the ease with which you and your baby interact and bond.